JDK Mission Control version 8.0.0 (JMC 8) is now available

JDK Mission Control version 8.0.0 (JMC 8) is now available for download from the Java download page on oracle.com. JMC 8 delivers a new flame graph view, enhanced Rules API along with other improvements to functionality and usability. JMC 8 supersedes JMC 7, all JMC 7 users and any remaining JMC 5 users should upgrade to this new version. JMC 8 is now able to analyze recordings from JDK 7 and above. Updates to JMC 7 will be offered via My Oracle Support through 2021.

JDK Mission Control (JMC) is an advanced set of tools for managing, monitoring, profiling, and troubleshooting Java applications. JMC enables efficient and detailed data analysis for areas such as code performance, memory, and latency.

What’s new in JMC 8

Visualizing Stack Traces using Flame Graphs

You can analyze stack traces using Flame graphs. They provide graphical representation of stack trace, where you can drill down to specific area to get detailed view.

JMC screenshot showing a Flame Graph view
Figure: Flame Graph view

Treemap Viewer Added to JOverflow

Treemap is added to JOverflow to visualize memory usage by classes. It is easier to spot the resources that is consuming most of the memory.

JMC screenshot showing a JOverflow Treemap
Figure: JOverflow Treemap

Improved Thread Graphs

Thread graph is enhanced with more filtering options, zoom in feature, and options to choose the required parameters.

Support for LZ4 Compressed Recordings

JMC provides support for LZ4 compressed recordings. You can open JFR recordings that are compressed using LZ4 utility, which is an extremely fast decoder.

Coherence Tab Pack Plugin Converted to SWT

Coherence Tab Pack plugin is converted to SWT, which removes dependency on JDK 11 and JavaFX.

Allocation pressure column is added to Memory and TLAB views

The Memory and TLAB pages now display Total Allocation as Percentage column. The percentage column along with stack trace view will help you to identify areas of allocation pressure.

Graph View of Stack Traces

Graph view is added to improve the visualization of stack traces. It renders aggregate stack traces with cumulative count.

JMC screenshot showing a Graph view
Figure: Graph view

Reintroduction of Percentage Column

Percentage column is reintroduced in histogram tables.

Deprecation of Threadlogic plug-in for JMC

Threadlogic plug-in is deprecated in JMC 8 and will be removed in JMC 9.

For Those Using JMC 5.x.y

JMC 5 was replaced by JMC 7 in JDK 7 and JDK 8 with the July 2020 CPU release. As announced in 2018 JMC is no longer be bundled with the JDK but available as a separate download.

For more details please refer to JMC 8 Release Notes and OpenJDK’s JMC 8 project page.