Quality Outreach Heads-up - openjdk.java.net ➜ openjdk.org DNS transition
David Delabassee on June 15, 2022
The OpenJDK Quality Group promotes the testing of FOSS projects with OpenJDK Early-Access builds as a way to improve the overall quality of the release. This heads-up is part of a regular communication sent to the projects involved. To learn more about the program, and how-to join, please check here.
openjdk.java.net ➜ openjdk.org DNS transition
The OpenJDK infrastructure is moving from the old openjdk.java.net subdomain to the openjdk.org top-level domain. This will impact all active subdomains (i.e., bugs, cr, db, git, hg, mail, and wiki), and the old hostnames (*.openjdk.java.net) will now act as aliases for the new names. No action is required as this transition should be transparent and is mostly done. It should be mentioned that https://jdk.java.net/ is not changing.
- Proposal: openjdk.java.net ➜ openjdk.org
- openjdk.java.net ➜ openjdk.org: Cutover of most domains complete