Episode 13 “JDK Flight Recorder” with Markus Grönlund Markus Grönlund, Chad Arimura on February 22, 2021 JFR
OracleDevLive Preview | Jesper Wilhelmsson on Contributing to OpenJDK Jesper Wilhelmsson, James Grisanzio on February 22, 2021
New Panama/Foreign Early-Access Builds, February update Maurizio Cimadamore on February 18, 2021 Panama
Project Loom: Modern scalable concurrency for the Java platform Alan Bateman on February 4, 2021 Loom Concurrency
Episode 11 “How to contribute to OpenJDK” with Stuart Marks and Jesper Wilhelmsson Stuart Marks, Jesper Wilhelmsson, David Delabassee on January 29, 2021
JEP proposed to target JDK 17: 356: Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators Mark Reinhold on January 29, 2021 Core Libraries Security JDK 17
Extending the Automatic Vectorization Capabilities of the C2 Compiler William Sjöblom (guest) on January 27, 2021 HotSpot Performance