Per Liden - Consulting Member of Technical Staff
Per Liden is a member of the HotSpot Garbage Collection team at Oracle and has been working on JRockit and HotSpot projects for many years. Per is an OpenJDK Reviewer and the lead for the ZGC project.
- ZGC - What's new in JDK 18 on April 29, 2022 JDK 18 GC
- ZGC - What's new in JDK 17 on October 5, 2021 JDK 17 GC
- ZGC - What's new in JDK 16 on March 22, 2021 JDK 16 GC
- ZGC - What's new in JDK 15 on September 22, 2020 GC JDK 15
- ZGC - Using -XX:SoftMaxHeapSize on July 2, 2020 GC
- ZGC - What's new in JDK 14 on March 23, 2020 GC JDK 14
- Making ZGC Production Ready on February 20, 2020 GC
- A critical question, Zee GC or Zed GC? on October 4, 2019 GC
- ZGC and tmpfs/hugeltbfs on June 28, 2019 GC
- ZGC - The Future of Low-Latency Garbage Collection Is Here on March 30, 2022 GC
- ZGC: The Next Generation Low-Latency Garbage Collector on September 17, 2020 GC
- ZGC : A Scalable Low-Latency Garbage Collector on October 25, 2018 GC
- Episode 5 “The Z Garbage Collector (ZGC)” with Per Liden on October 14, 2020 GC JDK 16 JDK 15